Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thoughts on Food Pills

I've always said that I wished I could just have a pill for meals instead of food.  Don't get me wrong; I do like food - probably too much!  But think about would be so easy to just pop a pill.  We're a pill-popping nation now, so I'm thinking it might catch on.  We make all kinds of synthetic stuff that's supposed to be nutritional and good for us.  Why not a complete meal in a pill?

Food is so colorful on a plate.  I would miss that, but pills could come in all colors.  If you wanted, you could have individual pills for each food group in a rainbow of colors v one pill.  We would have to down-size our plates, but all those pills would look pretty on a tiny little plate.

Food is also very social.  We like to sit down with friends and family to eat.  No problem.  Just put out a variety of food-pills for your company.  Wow - that would make entertaining especially easy.  Easy to satisfy everyone also.  We could have appetizer pills, main course, and dessert pills.  Just add your favorite beverage.

We spend so much of our lives around food - working to get money to buy it, planning meals, shopping for food, cooking food, eating food, cleaning up after preparing food....makes me tired to think about it!  If we had a meal in a pill, think of all the time we'd have for other things!  

Food-pills could come in organic and non-organic, vegetarian, vegan, or be specially formulated for your particular needs.  Allergic to peanuts - order peanut-free food-pills.

Think of all the land we could save that is now dedicated to growing food.  We could let nature take over and let the land go back to its natural state.  There would be lots more parks, hiking trails, and wildlife.  I'm not sure what we'd do with all those people along the line who provide us food.  Humans are innovative; we'd come up with some other way for them to make a living, I'm sure.

Feeding kids would be easier - no food texture issues, no "yuck, that tastes bad" remarks.  Just give 'em a pill.  Pack a lunch for school?  No need to refrigerate.  No need for a lunch box.  Just tuck a pill into their back pocket.

We might have to turn back to food for special occasions - like holidays and birthdays and special events like weddings.  I guess those meals wouldn't be quite the same without real food.  Those meals would be super special, though, since they would be so few and far between.....unless we just came up with more holidays, so we could eat food more often!

Oh, think too of how little waste there would be.  No packaging, food scraps; no fuel to transport the food or produce the food.  We would save so much water, if we didn't irrigate farms.  There is a lot of water used in the production of food also.  Methane from cows would be reduced thus helping the ozone layer.  Ah, and also, we wouldn't be putting pesticides into the ground or fertilizers that mess up the nitrogen levels and get into our ground water.  

Oh I think this would solve so many things....including dieting.  I really don't think many people would over eat a pill, would they?  Well, we do have all kinds of addicts.  As far as healthy eating goes, we just wouldn't manufacture junk-food-pills! 

Traveling would be a breeze.  Oh, camping would be a breeze!  You could be gone for a month, take your own specially formulated food with you - all in a tidy little container.  Let's see.  If we kept to the 3-meal-a-day plan, that would be 3 pills a day, add in a couple snacks...that's 5 pills a day.  Travel for a month, and if I have my math correct, that would be 150 pills.  A hundred and fifty pills would be so easy to transport.  Backpacking would be a breeze!

Then if you had a medical problem that required medicines, the pill could be made to include your medicines!  No need to have a separate pill to take - "Take with meals" would have a whole new meaning! 

We could feed the world.  Instead of dropping boxes of food into areas where people are starving, we could just drop down a box of pills.  A big box would probably feed a small nation.  

Our houses would have a different design - no need for a kitchen or dining room.  We could have activity rooms instead - or just smaller houses which would also save the environment (fewer building materials manufactured; less energy to heat/cool; less land used). 

I'm sure there is a lot I haven't thought about - pro and con - but I might be onto something here.

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